Bird Babes

Friday, November 1, 2013

November First: The Day the Beards Died

I woke up the day after Halloween and was admittedly a little out of it after the previous evening's excitement. I left my house, and after having walked just two blocks, I became scared I was stuck in a nightmare. "Is this a prank?" I thought to myself. "Am I still dreaming?"
As I walked into Watercourse, I saw that a number of men I knew had shaved off their manly, sexy, beards and were walking around with pale, innocent, baby faces. The time had come, it was November first: the day the beards died.

I've heard the saying "never bring a mustache to a beard fight," but in November (known also as Movember) it is the mustache that does the fighting. Movember is a month-long mustache growing charity event, in which the participants raise funds and awareness in an effort to combat prostate and testicular cancer.

According to the Movember global charity, "Using mustaches as a catalyst, we want to bring about change and give men the opportunity and confidence to learn and talk about their health more openly and take action." The goal is for men to shave their faces on the first, and grow it out over the course of 30 days. Participants register their mustache online, and ask friends and family to donate to the cause. The end goal is to raise money for programs that increase awareness and education about men's health, and, in turn, increase the life expectancy of men.

In addition to providing registration and information, the Web site also offers participants different styles of mustaches to try and accomplish throughout the month, a fun way to make a statement. Styles and personas men can try while promoting men's health include "the rock star," "the undercover brother," "the trucker" and so on. I was surprised; however, to see that "the Ron Swanson" was not a listed option, as Nick Offerman's character on Parks and Rec maintains one of my favorite mustaches in show business.

Woman might be wondering how we can participate in this charity event. Well, for one we can donate and support a Mo Bro, as they are called. We can also register on the site and attempt to gain donations just by getting the word out. But, I'm thinking the best way for a woman to support Movember is to take one for the team, and give some lovin' to a mustache-wearing guy.

 I bet that fewer men get laid in November than any other month in the year. Consider it a charitable donation; support someone who supports the cause. Otherwise, these thoughtful men will have a very long month ahead of them.

It's not too late to join the fun! For more information or to donate or register, visit

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